A new look at cooking and home decorating...with an attempt to add more greens to the plate, more vegetarian options & hopefully lots of new ideas to explore

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Stuffed Zucchini Flowers

Zucchini Flowers are a bit of a delicacy, try to find them in gourmet stores or farmers markets. Once you have them, rinse them inside and out under a soft stream of running water. The flowers are delicate, so carefully reach in the center of the flower and pull out the pistil/stamen. Remove any stems from the base of the outside of the flower.

12 or so, cleaned Zucchini flowers
Oil for shallow frying (I am using a combination of olive oil for flavor and canola oil)

1 cup of cheese, grated (I am using about half Gruyere and half Provolone)
4 slices of Prosuttio torn into small bite size pieces
¼-1/2 cup of chopped pecans

Combine all of the filling ingredients in a small bowl and set aside until you are ready to tuff the flowers. You may stuff the flower several hours before you plan to cook them. To stuff the flowers place a scant table spoon of the stuffing in the center of each flower, after you have filled each flower go back and top off the stuffing with any remaining filling. Place in refrigerator until you are ready to cook and fry.

1 egg scrambled
1 cup flower
About a cup of seltzer water

Place the oil in a fry pan (I am using a large lodge Cast Iron pan) Turn the heat up to medium high. Quickly, place the egg and flower in a bowl and add in seltzer water a little at a time until a thick paste forms. It should be about the consistency of heavy cream. Dredge each flower in the batter and pinch the tops of the flowers together to close. Gently place the flowers in the warm oil and fry until golden on each side (about 2-3minutes per side) adjust heat as necessary.

Remove from heat and sprinkle with sea salt (optional).

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