A new look at cooking and home decorating...with an attempt to add more greens to the plate, more vegetarian options & hopefully lots of new ideas to explore

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Plum Tart Tatin, for a friend in the Hamptons

I have often made tart tatin with apples, as is the traditional way. Using small Italian plums add a bit of tang and eliminates the all of the work because usually all of the apples in tart tatain are peeled, the plums are not.

1 sheet store bought puff pastry rolled – you will need to roll it large enough to fit the diameter of your pan plus an extra inch all around that will be tucked in to the pan.
6-7 Italian plums halved and cored
½ cup sugar
¼ cup water

Preheat oven to 400
In a 10” skillet or tart tatain pan place the sugar and water. Heat on med- hi heat until sugar turns a medium brown or golden color, swirl but do not stir mixture. Remove from heat. Place the plums skin side down in the pan and place the puff pastry over the top. Tuck the extra puff pastry into the dish and snugly around the plums. This will form the outer crust to hold in the sauce.

Place in oven and bake until puffed and golden- about 15-20 minutes

Once cooled just a bit you may invert this onto a plate.

Please note- this calls for Italian plums for a reason. Regular plums are too juicy and a bit too tart.

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